Does being visible online mean I have to "show up" on social media?


In the business world (especially as a service-based solopreneur), being visible online often equates to “showing up consistently” on social media.

And I find that it’s created this environment where business owners feel as though they should be constantly creating free content on social media platforms- often without actually assessing whether it’s sustainable or truly supporting their business.

For some people (eg. the extroverted coach/influencer) this may be a profitable and enjoyable model, but for many business owners, creating content on social media isn’t actually the best way to create aligned clients and revenue (especially if you’re a bit lukewarm about even being on social media).

I speak about this in Social Media Energetics for Sensitive Solopreneurs (which is included as a bonus audio in my Growing a Business without Social Media course), and about how we’re so often convinced that social media is where we’ll find success, because of the inherently overt nature of those who are achieving and building successful businesses on social media.

For most of my clients though, being visible and providing content in this constant way, is not aligned with their energies, sensitivities or heart. But because other gentler, softer and less “out there” ways of being visible aren’t as overtly visible to us, they’re neglected by many business owners.

The interesting thing is, these softer ways of being visible are not only more nourishing to gentler souls, but are actually incredibly powerful from a strategic point of view. Because not only do they naturally align with the feminine nature of the women I work with, but they also help my clients to build a deeply sustainable foundation for their business, where they’re naturally discoverable online to the people who are genuinely seeking out what they’re offering.

So, if you’re feeling a bit uninspired around social media, know that there are definitely other ways that you can grow and nurture your business. Ways that do not feel forced, pressure-fuelled or frantic but instead natural, receptive and soft.

Belinda x