Which of these 3 feminine expressions are you currently in?
I've noticed that the woman that are drawn to my work, tend to fall into three distinct expressions of the feminine (and often a nuanced mix of all 3, at various times).
I'm wondering, which one do you feel like you're in right now? (or maybe there are elements of all 3)
1. The Rejected Feminine
The woman in this expression is usually capable, intelligent and perceptive. She's been hooked into masculine-oriented ways of living, and may feel exhausted, misaligned and unfulfilled. She is often highly critical of herself, over worked and struggling to trust in a different, softer way of living, relating and being. She pushes away her true desires and needs, struggles to feel supported and can find it challenging to connect with her emotions and heart. Her protective shields are perfectionism, over working, maintaining control and achieving externally.
Her feminine essence has often been pushed down through masculine conditioning and emotional wounds (from childhood, family, society). For this woman, feminine healing is about gently unraveling her masculine shields and restoring intimacy with her feminine heart so she can feel safe to soften into both her natural design, as well as the love and support of others.
2. The Wounded Feminine
This woman is often sensitive, kind-hearted and has a deep desire to give and help in the world. Yet she struggles with co-dependency, boundaries, over giving, self-belief and grounding her ideas in the world, as she hasn't been taught to feel anchored and secure in her feminine truths.
Her shields are over-humility, people pleasing, martyring herself and downplaying her gifts/expression. For this woman, feminine healing is about stepping into her gifts, value and purpose in a grounded way that doesn’t compromise her natural femininity.
3. The Feminine Void
This woman is deep in her initiation into the organic feminine and requires time and space to sink into her Being- yet often feels pressured and harangued by the pace and expectations of the outside world. She feels shame and guilt around not moving quicker and often has a completely unique timeline that may not match up with the external projections of society and masculine-focused measures of success.
She is intuitive and spiritually connected, yet may struggle to believe in her path and deeper gifts, often feeling like she's straddled between two worlds. For this woman, feminine healing is about the deep cultivation of faith and belief in her feminine value, natural pace and God-infused path. She has deep insight and feminine gifts that will unfold organically as she creates the space and inner conviction to walk her natural path.
I’d love to know- which feminine expression/s are you currently in?
Belinda 💓
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hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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