When a woman is continually conditioned to believe that she must live from her masculine aspects in order to be successful and celebrated in the world, she is taught to unconsciously devalue the much needed gift of her feminine being. She begins unconsciously striving, over working and pushing herself to meet the demands of a masculinised world- abandoning, doubting and diminishing her feminine nature and feeling pressure to live a life that is counterintuitive to her deeper feminine soul.
Through the Woman of Value Course you’ll be supported to gently unweave unconscious patterns that have taught you to strive and work against your feminine nature, as you restore the true value of your feminine essence and soften back into way of living that honours your femininity, radiance and heart.
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course details
restoring your feminine essence
The feminine essence refers to the emotional and spiritual core that is inherent in womanhood. Yet in a world that glorifies masculine-oriented achievement and performance based success, softening into this essence that holds your deeper feminine value and worth can feel challenging. In this first module, you’ll re-attune to the deeper value of your femininity, reconnect to your feminine core, and come back to the process of softening that is essential to meeting your feminine nature.
restoring your feminine heart
The feminine heart holds a distinct and powerful template that connects a woman to the love and intrinsic worth that she is naturally created to embody. Yet many things in the world cause a woman to harden her heart. She is taught to shield herself from hurt, but inadvertently cuts off this vital feminine connection in the process. In this module you’ll tend to built up grief around the heart, dissolve masculine shields and soften back into your feminine heart.
restoring your feminine radiance
Radiance is a woman’s natural state when she feels loved, supported and worthy. It is the lightness of heart that a woman brings to the world, where she magnetises and attracts, rather than forces, pushes and chases. In this module, you’ll release the unconscious roots of over giving, approval seeking and striving, unravel from the forced self-development keeping you in fixing mode, and return to feminine feeling and the unforced radiance of your natural self.
restoring your feminine gifts
The more intangible gifts of the feminine are not always celebrated in our world, with its unbalanced focus on outcome, agenda and external result. Yet embracing feminine gifts- in particular two vital gifts of the feminine- is key to feeling protected, loved and supported. In this module, you’ll unlock your feminine receptivity and tenderness, release false feminine programming that distorts feminine gifts and reconnect to the beauty, value and magnetism of feminine being.
restoring your feminine trust
The feminine path is not one that women have been taught to trust in, as the foundations of the feminine unfolding happen internally and in the realms of the unseen. Instead, a woman is usually convinced to look to the external to determine her worth, creating conditions and fear around her natural desires to soften, receive, rest, trust and be. In this module you’ll soften into trust around your natural pace, re-attune to the unseen realms of feminine interiority and create freedom from masculine focused societal messaging and artificial/forced measures of success.
course delivery
3+ hours of self-paced, audio content
a heart-centric guided journaling process to deepen into each module
lifetime access
“I am enamored. You so beautifully articulate the essence of the feminine in a way that I’ve never heard before. Your course is an absolute treasure, one that has a beautiful, transformative effect.”
Dr. Sharon Love, creator of Birth Your Dream
Ensure you read the course terms + conditions below before purchase.
your course guide
hi, I’m Belinda
writer and creator of Soul and Self.
I created The Woman of Value course after observing how often the women I worked with were so often seeking healing/growth from an exhausting place of trying to “fix” themselves to fit into masculine frameworks of living, relating and achieving- creating an unending cycle of overriding and distrusting in their deeper feminine wisdom, sensitivities and heart. I observed the way the majority of our structures and systems (including many modalities of healing/growth/spirituality) subtly encase women in cycles of relentlessly striving to be more, keeping them apart from their feminine being and instead pushing more extrinsic, masculinised expectations onto their path.
Through my work and writings, I illuminate a process of softening, where a woman’s feminine essence is naturally re-activated through reconnecting with and reclaiming the true value and gifts of her feminine being. My work is intended for women who feel a pull towards embracing their feminine nature, yet may struggle to trust and believe in the value of their femininity, creativity and deeper spiritual heart- often being conditioned away from their feminine essence and natural path, and feeling less than if they are not striving and pushing to meet masculinised ideals.
It is my deep belief that in restoring the intrinsic value of our feminine natures, we are able to live from a softened state of natural being, deeply embodied in our true feminine value and trusting in a path that honours the tenderness and truth of our feminine hearts.
You can learn more about me and Soul & Self here.
course terms + conditions
price is in Australian dollars (check price in your currency)
on purchase you’ll be taken to the checkout page on the Podia course platform, where you’ll be asked for your email to create an account if you haven’t already purchased a course from Soul & Self.
you’ll receive immediate access to all 5 course modules on purchase- all material is accessed through your secure course portal and can also be downloaded to your device/s
this course is self guided and does not include 1:1 support
you receive lifetime access to the course (which refers to the life of the course on Soul & Self)
this course does not in any way replace the services of a licensed therapist/mental health practitioner/doctor. My feminine healing work and writing is created through experiential and embodied knowledge that has arisen both through my own path and through working with and relating to others in the realms of early childhood development, education, energetic healing + the feminine arts. By purchasing this course you agree to discern and use the course material in a way that supports your unique being and path.
due to the immediate delivery and nature of this product, purchase is final. please read the course page carefully before purchase.